[콜로퀴엄] Enumerative geometry of points, curves and surfaces(24/10/11)

1. 일시: 2024년 10월 11일(금) 오후 4시

2. 장소: 아산이학관 526호(권택연 세미나실)

3. 연사: 김영훈 교수님(KIAS 수학부)

4. 제목: Enumerative geometry of points, curves and surfaces

5. 초록:
Enumerative geometry is the study of questions like “How many geometric figures of fixed topological type satisfy certain given conditions?” It is one of the oldest subjects in mathematics dating back to Apollonius, 22 centuries ago. In 1900, Hilbert included the Schubert calculus, enumerative geometry of linear subspaces, as the fifteenth in his famous list of 23 problems for the coming century. About 30 years ago, enumerative geometry of curves was revolutionized by conjectures generated by string theory, many of which are now firmly established mathematical theorems. By a technical breakthrough only a few years ago, we now have a modern surface counting theory. In this colloquium, I’d like to convey some of the key ideas in classical and modern enumerative geometry.