[콜로퀴엄] Sobolev regularity theory for the heat equation in domains (24/1/17)

1. 일시 : 2024년 1월 17일 (수요일) 오후 5시

2. 장소 : 아산이학관 525호 (수학과 세미나실1)

3. 연사 : 서진솔 박사님(고등과학원)

4. 제목 : Sobolev regularity theory for the heat equation in domains 

5. 요약 : 

The heat equation is one of the most fundamental and classical PDE, and its Lp theory is important for the regularity of solutions. In this talk, we explore Lp theory for the heat equation in domains. Additionally, I introduce a general Lp theory for non-smooth domains together with its applications based on a relation between the Hardy inequality, superharmonic functions, and various domain conditions. If time allows, I plan to provide proofs for some applications.