[세미나] Spectral properties of compound Poisson processes (24/4/15, 시간변경)

1. 일시 : 2024년 4월 15일 (월) 오후 5시 ~ 6시 (일시 변경됨)

2. 장소 : 아산이학관 525호(수학과 세미나실) 

3. 연사 : 박현철 교수님 (SUNY at New Paltz)

4. 제목 : Spectral properties of compound Poisson processes​

5. 요약 : In this talk, we determine the exact expression for the principal eigenvalue λX(D) of symmetric compound Poisson processes X on a bounded open set D by examining its spectral heat content. When the jump density of the compound Poisson process is radially symmetric and strictly decreasing, we prove the Faber-Krahn inequality demonstrating that balls are the unique minimizers for λX(D) among all sets with equal Lebesgue measure, whereas this uniqueness does not hold if the jump density is not strictly decreasing.