[콜로퀴엄] On the diffusion equations with non-local operators (23/10/20)

제목 : On the diffusion equations with non-local operators

연사 : 박대한 박사님(고등과학원)

시간 : 2023년 10월 20일 (금요일) 오후 4시

장소 : 아산이학관 526호

요약 : Diffusion equation is one of the main tools for describing various natural phenomena in diverse fields including mathematics, engineering, and biology. When we use time-fractional derivative in diffusion equation then it describes the subdiffusive aspect of anomalous diffusion. The other types of non-local operators (both in spatial and time variables) are also frequently used to diffusion in various situations.

In this talk, we will consider diffusion equations with non-local operators , where is the Caputo fractional derivative of order . The operator is non-local operator related to certain stochastic processes. The existence, uniqueness, and estimation of solution in Sobolev space will be considered.