[콜로퀴엄] Sobolev regularity theory for the heat equation (23/12/1)

1. 일시 : 2023년 12월 01일 (금요일) 오후 4시

2. 장소 : 아산이학관 526호(권택연 세미나실)

3. 연사 : 최재환 (카이스트) 

4. 제목 : Sobolev regularity theory for the heat equation: Kernel approach

5. 요약 : 

The heat equation, a fundamental and crucial partial differential equation, models the distribution of heat (or temperature variation) in a given region over time. In this talk, we explore the Sobolev regularity theory for the heat equation through an analysis of the heat kernel. We start with a concise overview of the heat equation with some significant historical results. We then introduce further research and development directions within the Sobolev regularity theory for the heat equation. The presentation concludes with a discussion of my contributions to this field.